Everything I’ve Learned From Eddie Shleyner

By Garrett Mickley •  Updated: 09/18/20 •  1 min read

Eddie Shleyner is the Lead Copywriter at G2.com & Founder of VeryGoodCopy.com.

Notes from his micro-courses coming soon…

How to grow your social media following over 10k in under a year:

If you look at any email Eddie sends (usually from VeryGoodCopy), there’s a button that asks you to like a post on LinkedIn.

It looks like this:

A screenshot of one of Eddie Shleyner's emails that has a LinkedIn button in it.
Sign up for his VGC Plus. It’s awesome.

That’s it. It’s that simple.

You can do that with any social media you have.

It doesn’t have to be LinkedIn.

All you gotta do is ask.

Garrett Mickley

Almost two decades in marketing and PR. Audio engineer and sonic branding expert. Musician.

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